Sunday, April 19, 2009

Its Spring! Get Down and Dirty

Like nice weather? Fresh food? The satisfaction of hands-on work? Its spring folks - time to start a garden. Being a perfectionist, I have held off of gardening for awhile because I didn't have enough space to do it right. This Friday though, I was driving around with my sunroof up and just loving spring when I passed a greenhouse. I impulsively turned in and got out. Today was the day I would start a garden, even if it had to be small. 
Where does this interact with food? In a space no bigger than 2 square feet I was able to plant mint, sweet basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley and cilantro.  I filled the rest of the space with daises and pansies.  Even better, it was easy just a few hours later (I had to dig up some grass to make the bed) I had an attractive garden and a massive sense of accomplishment.

Even better, we can now finish our dishes with some sun-warmed herbs - - the perfect way to celebrate spring!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! My roommate and I are building a flower bed on our deck this weekend. Hope to plant tomatoes, herbs, and flowers. Woohoo!
