Monday, July 6, 2009

Fish Arepas

My friend Talya had just returned from Pakistan with a couple of pounds of fresh mangoes (don't tell the authorities!) , and needed to find a way to use them up before they went bad, so we decided to use them as the inspiration for our dinner. They were so soft and juicy that all you needed to do to eat them was cut a hold at one end and suck the flesh into your mouth!

We bought some haddock and rubbed it with cumin, salt, pepper, and paprika and threw it on the grill. In the mean time, we used some white corn flour to make some arepas to hold our fish, as well as a mango salsa which we were making as a topping
We chopped up some onions and peppers to add, and made a large mound on top of the arepas

For dessert we used the remaining mangoes to make a mango upside-down cake

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